The Joy of Self Love….


Wow! How much does the Universe return the favour when you start to truly love you (Mind, BODY & Soul).

I have spent the last couple of years working on various areas of my life mostly (Mind and Soul) in the attempt to learn how to love me… unconditionally. I have grasped at various Personal Development opportunities and am now at a stage where I want to love ALL of me. So….. I have begun to truly nurture my BODY…. and the effects have been surprising!

Researching into why I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life, I looked into the whole “protection’ theory… you know the one… where we are overweight to protect ourselves from hurt,anger, rejection, judgements, and other such emotions/events. I decided to take a stand and ‘allow’ myself to be vulnerable and not ‘need’ that protection any more. I no longer have the desire to concern myself with others and what they think of me. That is all about ego. Not me, my true essence.

I recognise that I have a unique and wonderful mind and soul…. so why would I choose to abuse the vessel that houses it? How does that serve me? I have started a healthy eating plan & exercise regime which is realistic & nurturing. I am feeling wonderful… it is like my body is thanking me for loving it. I am so very worth all of the wonderful things I have and do.

I am approaching this transformation in a gentle way, so that I do not fall into the age old pattern of abuse, which leads to self loathing and confirmation of my default drama -I am not worthy. In recognising my programmed patterns of self sabotage, (which are merely programs, not who I truly am) I am finding it easier to truly love and honour me. Whilst placing all of this energy on me and what is truly important to me, I am discovering little surprises about myself…. like…. I now love my ‘me’ time, I do not need to fill empty hours with ’empty liaisons’ with random men. I no longer HAVE empty hours!

My children are watching me love & nurture myself, and it is teaching them that this is ok to do! It is bringing us all so close together. They are getting involved in the various nurturing activities I am doing… so awesome to see, and totally not expected from two big tough teenage boys! Life is wonderful…. it truly is….when you can love and honour yourself authentically.

The Journey continues…….


Wow… so much learning & growth has occurred since I first began this blog…..

A quick rehash….Up until June 30 2012, I existed. On antidepressants for at least 15 years, I was a pretty good at being a mother, friend, employee, daughter and numerous other roles. I was very good at protecting my emotions (had not cried for at least 5 years), punishing myself, self sabotage & judging myself in a not so great light. I chose to become this person out of (what I believed to be) necessity. I had to be strong. I had to protect (particularly from men). Crying was weak. Different forms of abuse throughout my life, had assisted shaping this person…a victim….who “existed.”

This all changed when I suffered my stroke. Throughout my long recovery and achievements, I began to admire my strength, and found it very surprising that I did not curl up in the fetal position and give up at times. From day one, I researched how bad it could have been, and realised I was fricken lucky! AND I was here for a reason! I had no idea what that reason was, but given my gratitude to the Universe for allowing me to survive, I began to explore this. The Power Of You 2013 was brought to my attention by a close friend. I had no expectations at all…. except that I wanted to learn how to cry again.

This Workshop changed my life! I discovered purpose! I cried! I learnt how far away from living in alignment with my values I had come! I became hungry for more personal development… I began to nurture me, express myself (to the WORLD) and start chipping away at the MASSIVE wall of protection I had built around my heart. It gradually became ok to spend quality time with myself, to pamper myself, to express myself fully (warts and all), to drop the façade because people would accept the real me…love the real me.

As a part of my commitment to myself, I am undertaking an offset program from The Power of You and through this, much of my growing/stretching/learning has occurred. I have discovered the following: My big purpose in life is PURPOSE! Initially I went off on a rampage, trying to find the purpose of why I had survived my stroke… my purposes of living… the ‘meaning of life’. Going round and round in circles and not reaching many conclusions, I had a meeting with myself… and simplified it…. My purpose in life is PURPOSE.


In order to live in alignment with my purpose, I need to have purpose and bring purpose to all that I think, feel and do. In order to do that I have set the following goals for myself:

– Set goals & achieve
– Follow the Direction of my heart/soul

– Communicate/share my journey with others
– Use what I learn/ Live what I learn
-Be thankful for my purpose & utilise it to the full

-Be passionate about purpose.
-To have positive purpose in every decision I make & action I take.
-Be Purposeful!!

Bringing purpose to your life can be as big as purposefully being kind to another in a big way, or as little as doing your  housework purposefully… it is all about being mindful of the purpose behind what you think, feel and do. Very rewarding and I have found myself dismissing the ‘shit’ when I can find no purpose in thinking, feeling or doing it. 🙂



It is quite some time since I have experienced my goosebumps and taken note of what was said. However I thought it was time to touch base with you all and discuss the concept of FEAR. I am struggling a lot with this right now.

As many of you know, I have been on ‘happy pills’ for around 17 years now. It has been a huge goal of mine this year, to come off them. I recently visited my Dr, and we discussed the strategy to do this. Physically, I simply need to go on a lower dose for a month, and then cease taking them. Sounds easy huh?

psychologically I am scared shitless. I am looking at saying goodbye to a crutch that has seen me through some of the most difficult, challenging & heart breaking times of my life. I would not say I am addicted to the medication, but perhaps addicted to the thought of a depression ‘fix’, albeit chemical only. I know I can do this…. I tell myself I can do this. I have not had an increase in dose in the last 8 years (so have been through a divorce, two house moves, a couple of crap relationships and my stroke). This shows me I am ready to do this on my own. So why can I not stop the anxiety filtering up from my stomach to my brain…. causing my shortness of breath, causing a panic…???

Fear. Fear of not succeeding. Fear of delving back into the darkness and not being able to keep my head above it all. Fear of falling in a heap and being unable to look after my sons, to look after myself. Fear of the unknown……. In order to be successful in this venture, I do need to overcome this fear. I need to look it straight in the eye and determine why I am so afraid. everything in my life is directing to me success, I have an incredible support network & there is no valid reason why I should fail.

Can I look at my fear as False Evidence Appearing Real? Nothing yet has happened, I am basing my fear on movies running in my head of my PAST experiences. I am a different person now. Stronger, more loving….  hell… I have survived a life threatening condition! Nothing… NOTHING can hold me back from achieving my goals… NOTHING…..

Accelerating the process…..


I am about to embark on an incredible journey….full of challenges, self exploration and ACTION. That last word scares the hell out of me…. in the past ACTION means ENERGY…. of which I still have reasonably low reserves… but that is just an excuse. What is really scaring me is the commitment to myself and my personal development. I have meandered along for the past 6-7 months doing a bit of this and that, loving it all mind you, but fitting it in around my busy life of being a full time working single mum.

I have just committed to 12 months of setting goals, taking action AND the biggie…..being ACCOUNTABLE. This scares me. This stretches me. It is highly uncomfortable for me. Do I deserve this? Will I fail? Can I put into it the energy it requires? DOUBTS… BIG TIME. Are you hearing my ‘default drama’? AM I WORTHY ENOUGH TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITTMENT TO ME? FFS ENOUGH JODI!!!

I am about to embark on an incredible journey….full of challenges, self exploration and Action. I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity…. accelerated personal development. I am a doer not a dreamer…. now is the time! I deserve this commitment I am making to myself. Remember the analogy of ensuring your own oxygen mask is on before you help others? Just imagine how much I can do with/for others, once I have totally accepted that I am worthy of my love and time and effort/energy. BRING IT ON!!

The Rollercoaster……


“Falling back into old patterns comes so easily. Why?”

Five months ago I had a purpose. I had chosen to work on my personal development, to become the best me I could be. Work on my Mind, Body & Soul. I started counselling. I undertook a course in NLP. I started yoga and swimming. I began clean eating. I opened a Nurture Me Bank Account. I took myself off all online dating sites. I chose abstinence from sex. I began this Blog.

Needless to say, it has been quite some time since I have experienced my goosebumps. Which tells me I have gone backward in my journey and resolve. No… this is not me giving up. This is me, admitting my weaknesses, my understanding how strong my programming of self abuse/destruction is…. and how much work I still have to do.

I am still going to counselling and am finding it very rewarding and incredibly interesting- we are exploring my childhood (of which I have little to no memory). I am aiming to come off my ‘happy pills’ this year. 17 years medicated is enough! The counsellor I go to is a little alternative – which appeals to me greatly.

The 10 week course in NLP was AMAZING! A fantastic way to discover who you are, why you behave/react the way you do. To determine what parts of you still serve you, and what parts do not. So much of this made sense. So much about my personality and why it has developed the way it has (formed during my childhood years). So many of the elements I required as a child (eg. fierce self protection) are a large part of my persona today….. and are not serving/helping me. These are the parts I am struggling/fighting against, in order to be the person I wish to be.

My exercise routine has been a lower priority over the past month or so. I cannot give a valid reason why. I really enjoy it when I do it. I allowed life to get in the way, and an element of laziness. My clean eating was going beautifully. I really felt the difference in my body when fueling it with true nutrition. One trip to the Drs where blood test results showed a possible underactive thyroid, and THERE was my excuse to give up the clean healthy eating and start emotional eating again. I allowed my thought process, and was aware of what I was doing. The Poor Me syndrome had well and truly set in.

My Nurture Me Bank Account was opened to ensure that I put away a little each week to do something nice for me. This account has not been touched. Initially I was saving for a few sessions of micro-dermabrasion…… I have not had that procedure done, nor done anything else nurturing for myself. Why would I deserve that?

Two months ago, I started to think I had been too hard on myself, and was missing male company (not just the sex). I put myself back online with the idea that now that I was working so hard on myself (NLPwise) that I would start attracting different kind of men. Men that I could establish a friendship with and enjoy some non-sexual companionship. And it worked, for a bit. The calibre of men that I began attracting & chatting to were way higher than ever before (with the exception of the usual penis pic senders!) I really enjoyed feeling attractive again. Why I needed the opposite sex to feel this way is, again, in my programming.

During my online dating I met a man who I was really attracted to (more intellectually, than physically). He was very familiar with NLP, which I found to be a wonderful and unique trait. Unfortunately, this man was bordering on being a sex addict, and that is all he seemed to want. I fell into the old pattern of having sex, knowing that this was not going to lead anywhere. I felt ‘got’ and understood by this man (a HUGE thing for me). I began to question why he had come into my life at that particular time, a time when I was consciously working on me. As I got to know him further, I began to see someone very familiar in him. Me. This man was the male version of what I was like 5 months ago. And there were elements I disliked immensely!!

So here I am today, downtrodden but not beaten. Gathering up new resolve to continue on this journey. I no longer expect there not to be times when I am weak and needy. I aim to treat myself with kindness and understanding. Self abuse is a strong element in my programming. I will continue on with all of my plans and ride the rollercoaster with an open and forgiving heart. Embracing the whole complete experience….not just the ups.





“Abusers are often ultra nice, particularly after a violent session, it helps with keeping the victim ‘in love’ with them.”

Abuse has featured prominently in my life from around the age of 3 onwards. I do not recall this particular period in my life, perhaps due to mental blockage, but I have been informed from reliable sources that I witnessed much violence towards people I loved. As a result, I had established a firm belief that abuse was all about the physical… as long as I was never physically abused…. it was ok.

I became to realise I was very wrong in my thinking. I met a man, whom swept me off my feet and treated me better than I had ever been treated in my life. He made me feel so special and cherished and loved….. for 6 months. Then…..he began to show his true self…. very gradually, over the next 12 months, he broke me down into a quivering, frightened mess, and (much to my absolute shame) bullied my children into scared quiet mice.

It started with him complaining of tiredness, and therefore grumpiness, so the kids were told to keep quiet most….and then….all of the time. He was a large muscley man (physically intimidating) and I could not imagine many a man (let alone a woman or children) going against his wishes. Name calling came next, and continued on. I was called anything from a lazy slut to a fucking cunt. My kids were not allowed to spend time with me alone, or to laugh or play loudly or LIVE! I was threatened on a daily basis.

It came to a point where my friends and family became worried, but I was too far involved to see a way out. I was too afraid of what he might do to my children, what he might do to me….. I have always considered myself a strong woman, but this guy had me hook line and sinker. His abuse and bullying crept up on us so gradually that it was easy for me to start to think it was my fault. I had done something to cause this beautiful loving man to turn on me and my children. And I was in love….. goddam LOVE!!

My children and I lived in this misery for 12 months. The clincher for me ended up being him pushing me too far and blatantly showing disrespect in front of other people. I was used to the private stuff, but public….. enough was enough. I told him to leave, which he did nicely enough (no believing I meant it) taking what was his, and leaving me with what was mine. I had bought a business and employed him, during our relationship, and I agreed to sell this to him, via a payment plan. He kept in touch, trying to woo me back, but I had grown stronger in my resolve during my time away from him.

Things got nasty, when he met another lady and decided that I owed him money. He ceased making payments for the business, and kept calling and threatening to come and take things from my house. I have never been more frightened in my life, even when he was living with me. There is nothing more daunting than not feeling safe and secure in your own home…. and I hated him with a passion for that feeling he caused in me. Things continued to escalate with calls and drive bys. I decided it was time to take action and saw a solicitor. It was time to take control.

My solicitor sent him a letter explaining that if he did not back off, I would be lodging an Intervention Order. Him and his girlfriend turned up to my work the next day. I had been getting my sons to walk to my work after school so that they were not home alone, should he turn up. They sat in the Reception area of my work, demanding to see me. I called my solicitor and was instructed to send a staff member out to him to explain that he would need to contact my solicitor to communicate with me. In the meantime, I was in the back office in tears that they had had the gall to turn up at my place of work and create a scene.

Eventually they were convinced to leave, but unfortunately my youngest was on his way into the office at the time, and the girlfriend started screaming at him about how his mother is a weak gutless bitch. I saw red. No one fucks with my kids anymore! I applied for an Intervention order the next day. Things were quiet up until the court hearing. I took along a couple of support people and he turned up alone. My order was granted.

I have held much guilt over what I have put my children through in this situation, and have built a wall of protection 5 inches thick, covered in razor wire and guarded by 5 Rottweilers, around my heart to ensure I do not make the same mistake twice. Whilst it breaks my heart to think my children had to live through this horrible experience, in the end, they saw that that kind of behaviour was not to be tolerated, and their mum fought it, and WON. I try to remember this whenever I start to feel the guilt crawl back in.





“I lost my ability to feel joy…or anything for that matter…. numbness took over…..”

I was initially diagnosed with Post Natal Depression when my first born was 6 months old. He awoke every 2 hours for the first 8 months of his life, and the sleep deprivation combined with low self esteem and an obvious chemical imbalance made my life a living hell. I did not believe the doctor at first, as my idea of post natal depression meant that I wanted to harm my baby… which I did not. I simply was sad, tired and joyless… all of the time. You can see it in all of the mother and baby photos…. I am sitting holding the baby with a dull expressionless face (heartbreaking to see now.)

My relationship was suffering and I was sad all of the time. Luckily, I decided to see my GP, who diagnosed me and I started medication. Once diagnosed, I realised that I had suffered some form of depression most of my life, but had never been diagnosed. The medication I was on improved my moods, but affected both my libido and weight in a dramatically negative way. So whilst my moods were better and hubby and I were getting along, I no longer felt like being intimate with him. I also suffered a mild form of OCD during this time, not the excessive washing the hands kind…. but the not being able to clean the house because I HAD to start in the bedroom (and hubby was a night shift worker at the time.) I sought help for both conditions, going to counselling, but did not find it that useful.

We stumbled along another three years and decided to try for another baby. I was incredibly scared at this point, that I would delve back into the depths of despair with the hormonal changes that would occur during my pregnancy and after birth. I tried to stay on my anti-depressants during my second pregnancy, but was so sick with morning sickness that I ended up ceasing it all together. My moods etc were still good. I was attending weight watchers (back when you could be on the program when you were pregnant) and was losing weight as bubby was gaining weight. I began to get excited that I had finally beat depression!

After the birth of my second son, I organised a psychologist to talk to about the possibility of my depression returning, and what the plan of action should be. I really enjoyed my baby this time around. (It did help that he slept well). Within three months I started suffering anxiety and panic attacks (but no depression). I became agoraphobic and struggled to leave my house. I organised for Social Workers, nurses etc to visit ME at home. When asked why I could not leave the house, I could not come up with a rational answer…. I was simply afraid.

I ended up back on my anti-depressants and as time went by (with a lot of experimenting with medication dosages) I gradually got better, myself. I would set myself very small goals and push myself to achieve them (like walking around the block with pram, driving to a friends house nearby).  My libido was still dead and buried and the weight crept back up. I continued to live with my depression and accept that I needed to be medicated for quality of life. I did worry that my children would end up with depression also, their father did.

Gradually I ended up on the lowest dose of medication that I could be on before coming off them completely. That was 7 years ago. I am still on that same dose and have been at that level through 3 house moves, a divorce, an abusive relationship, and a stroke. This proves to me that I am ready to try life medication free. This year I have set the goal to come off my medication. I am seeking much psychological support to do so; I am not naive when it comes to what can go wrong. Fingers crossed this is the year for me. xx



“All this time I have been looking internally as to why I am attracting the men I do, without acknowledging the external situations that have influenced this. I forgive my ex husband and his partner, but perhaps the scars from this situation are still present, assisting in the poor choices I have made, and feelings of unworthiness”.

I go back to 2006. I found out that my husband was seeking comfort in the arms of another woman via text messages and our increasing phone bill. Our marriage had been pretty miserable for the past 3 years. When I first found out, I gave him the ultimatum…. her or me. He intially chose me, and we worked hard (or so I thought) at counselling for the next 6 months trying to piece the marriage back together. Things looked better, until I found out that he was still seeing her. In the end, my self respect won and I called it all off, more angry that we had wasted 6 months of time and thousands of dollars, when he could have made his ultimate decision when given my ultimatum.

Yes, it was deeply traumatic, yes I suffered major esteem loss, but it was clear after 3 months (yes ONLY 3 months) that the end of the marriage was the right thing… just an extremely awful way for it to happen. I have concentrated on this aspect for the past 7 years, and it has helped me alot, particularly in maintaining a healthy relationship with my ex husband and his partner for my kids’ sake. Some would say “Good on you for looking at the positive”, and I have prided myself on this… they had both done me a favour in the end.

However, I have since discovered that in taking on this positive outlook so passionately (which I truly beleive to this day!) I have overlooke and undermined the hurt and trauma I initially went through, which is now coming to the surface when it comes to attracting other men to me. That is not to say that I am not meeting some nice men in there too. But I am finding myself attracted to the ones that “have it in them” to treat me the way my husband did. With major disrespect! This is NOT ok.

I am learning to respect myself and embrace my experiences (allowing myself to FEEL even the yucky stuff) so that I will NOT tolerate disrespect from others (in particular, men). I am worthy of so much more- and I will have it! 🙂

The Stroke…..Part Two

joy of being alive

“If I could do it all over again I wouldn’t change a thing. My stroke has taught me so much about myself. I wouldn’t give that up for anything.”

A stroke! A “Brainstem CVA Secondary to vertebral artery Dissection” actually. The Doctors then asked if I had suffered any trauma or had any neck manipulations in the past week. I had had a neck manipulation by an Osteopath three days earlier. The Doctors noted this and got my Osteopath’s details. Please also note that I visited my GP that same day…. and told him that I needed a scare in order to give up smoking…. The Universe was listening! BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!

Once the Doctors left, I burst into tears. We all cried and consoled each other. What would this mean? Would I still be able to look after my children? Work? Walk? Live? I don’t recall much more of that day, but I know I grieved heavily. As I was now diagnosed, I was moved to the Rehabilitation Ward that evening, and rehab was to begin the next day. “No rest for the wicked!”

Now I knew what I was dealing with, the next day I did some research on my condition. I needed to find out what my chances were of full recovery. What I found out, was that I was incredibly lucky! All of the information I read stated that I could have ended up a vegetable or died! That was enough for me to embrace what facilities I had left and work my ass off getting back on my feet!

Rehab began with physio-simple balance tests & exercises, oh how difficult these were to start with. I  was not allowed to walk, so was still relying on staff to take me to and from the toilet/shower. I had speech pathology to ensure my breathing and swallowing were up to scratch and had some pretty weird exercises to do, that involved humming into a straw, among other things. Occupational Therapy involved testing my sensitivity and use of my left side. This involved things like placing my left hand in a container of bird seed and feeling for/identifying objects by touch, and screwing nuts onto bolts of various sizes with my left hand.

I had a very intense Rehabilitation Program and rested when I could, as fatigue was an ongoing issue (and still is to this day). Believe it or not….Facebook became my main outlet during my stay in hospital and I have posted some of the more significant posts below. I look at them now and think, I was not in hospital for long at all…..but at the time it felt like an eternity. My progress was really quite speedy in the whole scheme of things, and I am so very proud of my positive outlook and ‘can do’ attitude that helped me achieve all I did and 27 days after suffering my stroke, I was allowed home finally……..

Significant Facebook Posts

7 July 2012 near Wodonga – Inboxes have become overwhelming so here goes… For those who did not know, I suffered a stroke a week ago today and am currently in the rehab hospital ward. I suffer issues with my eyesight, balance, walking and touch/temp sensation. I am confident that I will make a full recovery, and if not, any permanent effects will be minimal. I am expecting to be in here for anywhere from three weeks to th…ree months depending on my progress. I am in some form of therapy each day and am working hard to get home to my boys and back to work. Thanks to all my visitors, but I do need to ask that you respect my rest time of 1pm to 3:30pm as I get exhausted quickly and need my rest.  Love you all and keep FB cranking as its my main form of entertainment at the mo! Lol. Xxxx”

10 July 2012 near Wodonga– Tentative discharge date will be given tomorrow… Woohoo! Oh and might be getting my granny wheelie frame “L” s too! : D

11 July 2012 near Wodonga– NO MORE TUMMY NEEDLES… And….Tentative discharge date – 1st August!!!
 12 July 2012 near Wodonga– My new wheels! WOOHOO!
Photo: My new wheels! WOOHOO!
14 July 2012 near Wodonga– Lovely arvo out and about and great catching up with visitors! OK…. I can cope with the next week now!!! Lol
15 July 2012 near Wodonga – Day 15 and improving. Still have little sensation down the left side of my body ( but can at least move it!) and right side of my head/face is still numb. Balance is getting better each day, and eyesight is less ‘double’, seeing ophthalmologist on Wednesday for a more thorough report on sight! Thanks again to all for your love, support and thoughts. Xxxx
16 July 2012 near Wodonga– Allowed to walk without my frame as much as I can manage!!! woohoo!!!!!
20 July 2012 near Wodonga– Organizing movie and pizza date with my boys for lunch tomorrow. Miss them so much and need to do something NORMAL with them for my sanity!!!!

20 July 2012 near Wodonga– Heading out to cafe grove for a  milkshake for therapy… Lol… Love THIS therapy!!!

22 July 2012 near Wodonga– Just walked in heels all by myself! Woohoo!!!!
25 July 2012 near Wodonga– FRIDAY…. I’m coming HOME!!!!!!!
27 July 2012 near Wodonga – I’m fricken HOME!!!!

The Stroke…..Part One


“If I could do it all over again I wouldn’t change a thing. My stroke has taught me so much about myself. I wouldn’t give that up for anything.”

June 30 2012 approx 3:30am. I had returned from our End of Financial Year Party and was laying in bed trying to get to sleep. I started to feel a warm sensation run down the right side of my neck, then my vision went blurry, and the left side of my body felt numb. I had been drinking that night, so my initial thought was… my drink had been spiked. I got out of bed to go to the toilet, but could not walk properly. I kept crashing into the right wall down the hallway. Something was not right. My face felt lopsided. After bashing my way back to my bedroom, I looked in the mirror. Closing one eye I could focus on my face….. it looked ok…..I crawled back into bed and thought I would sleep it off, grateful that at least I was home in bed instead of being raped somewhere by whomever had spiked my drink!

I then began to examine my symptoms more closely. Blurry vision, numbness on the left side of my body, droopy feeling face. Shit…..a stroke? I tried calling my Best Friend (who lives next door) but no one answered. I called my sister to collect me & take me to the hospital. After listening to my symptoms, she rang the ambulance and met them at my house. The ambos kept asking me what drugs I had taken that night. I continually answered with “none.” It got me angry that they kept insisting that I had taken something! To the emergency ward we went. By then I had double vision and could not see anything clearly. That day is a bit of a blur, in more ways than one!

I was seen by at least one Doctor, that I recall. Each time someone came in to see me, I was told to smile at them. At one point a Doctor diagnosed that I was suffering a migraine and dosed me up with migraine medication. This made me violently ill. In and out of sleep I went. A CT scan was done, but this showed nothing. The Doctor gave my sister discharge forms, ready for me to go home and sleep off my migraine. Luckily the nurses argued with him, and I ended up being transferred to the medical ward. By then I could not walk or see clearly at all. I was wheeled to and from the toilet on a commode chair.

More Doctors came to see me. As it was the weekend, an MRI scan was booked for Monday. In the meantime the Doctors, by Sunday, were not sure what was wrong with me, as the migraine they had initially diagnosed me with, does not last over 24 hours. This was the most frightening time during the whole experience. I needed to know what was wrong so I knew what to do to fight it!!

Monday arrived and an ambulance took me to the medical imaging centre for my MRI. Light had begun to really hurt my eyes so I developed strong headaches during that day. One of the ambos, thank goodness, organised for me to lay in a dark room whilst I waited for the MRI to take place. (This was not my first MRI. A few months earlier I had been sent for one by an eye surgeon after a swollen blood vessel was detected behind my right eye. Back then, they were looking for symptoms of MS. None were found and I was given the all clear.) The MRI took place and I was returned to the hospital, results would come through the following day.

Tuesday Morning arrived, and, surrounded by my Mum (who had travelled down from Darwin), my sister, and Best Friend, I was told by the Doctors that I had suffered a stroke……